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Learn your languages

The world is getting smaller. Communication technology erases the country boundaries. On internet the chance to meet people from another country who speak their own language is huge. Student exchange programmes become common. And travelling makes a world a small village.

Speaking one foreign language, at least English, is required to be able to survive situations mentioned above nowadays. In my opinion the ideal situation is being a bi or multilingual without forgetting the mother tongue. As I believe this is impossible, I mean forgetting the mother tongue part.

I found these two interesting infographics. As a multilingual myself, I fully agree with this information therefore I share it here.


I underline these points of benefit learning languages:

It is good for your brain
Grammar structure and learning vocabulary force the brain to work harder. In a conversation your brain decides which grammar to use and looking for a translation of words in seconds. By doing this regularly, your brain trains for a better memory.

Speaking another language makes you express yourself better. There are sayings and expressions which compliment each other due to wide comparison.

Travel better
While travelling you make contact easily with the locals when you speak their language. If you at least try, they appreciate it. Understanding a menu card in a restaurant and reading directions is also not a problem. This skill surely lifts up your travel experience to a higher level.

Making contact and new friends goes better when you speak the same language which is mostly English.

inspire language learningThis infographic is courtesy of Kaplan International.

Why is it important to learn other languages at least English? Aside from the benefits mentioned above these are my two added points:

  • Because mixed racial marriages produce bilingual children. They switch easily from one language to another. Those kids from mixed marriage don’t know better.
  • Digital natives have access to Internet starting from their birth. This forces them to learn to speak English as much info online is in English.

  • I hope this post inspires you to learn your languages.

    We are teachers
    Kaplan International
    Featured image is courtesy of 4hourtemplate

    31 thoughts on “Learn your languages

    1. Mungkin juga krn dulu saya nemu kamus lama
      Nederland-Engels;Engels-Nederland dan nemuin kata2 belanda yg diserap/diadopsi ke dlm bhs.Indonesia jd tertarik belajar. Keuntungan lainnya bisa berbicara dg orang asing selain Indonesia, berinteraksi dg orang yg punya kultur betbeda dg kita itu menarik&menyenangkan 😀

    2. saya pernah dulu ngebet belajar bahasa lain selain english, jepang sama jerman, kalau jepang saya sempat les waktu SMU, karena batal ikutan pertukaran pelajar ke Jepang ( gak lulus ) akhirnya pelajaran bahasa jepangku juga hancur deh, tak ada teman bicara itu yang susah,, terus pernah belajar bahasa jerman juga di sekolah cuma kelas 1, dan setelahnya dada bye bye… karena ikutan AFS ke Jerman ternyata pas tahun saya daftar terjadi krismon dan AFS tahun itu batal..nasib yaaa memang gak jodoh sekolah di luar.. *hiks… kok curhat jadinya 😀

    3. Absolutely agree with your thoughts here. My parents always tell me that learning a language is like opening a door to the world.
      I was lucky enough to learn 2 other languages beside English. My mother can read, write and speak 4 different languages fluently.
      Must be nice to be able to practice your Spanish while vacationing😊.

      • Ah, you were lucky to have such parents. Language intrigues me so much. It is a communication middle to interact with others.

        Hmm, it is rather confusing to speak Spanish in Catalunia region where people tend to answer back in Catalan which I don’t know 🙂

    4. Totally with you mba.Having foreign language skill is important, especially in this day and age. Like what mentioned above, “everything no boundaries”. We have to know english as a minimum. Even until today Am still learning to speak english correctly. This brain works hard when I try to talk with the locals. I mean like vocab, grammar, intonation and also how to express it self ( aahh corect my english mba yo 😓😅) just like people said practice makes perfect. 😃😬

      • Yes, and speaking a foreign language is a never ending process. One keeps learning, one gets to know new words, every single day.

    5. Yeah, agree with you mbak. Saya punya temen Belanda tapi yang diajarin malah kata kata becandaan konyol macem *maaf “hey you dikkereet”. Tapi emang begitu ya, tiap kali belajar bahasa daerah suku lain juga pasti yang diajarin tuh kata kata ga pantes dulu, hehehe

      • Ha….ha….memang gitu Ismail. Saya waktu baru 2 bulan di Belanda dulu pernah digoda orang yang kurang ajar ke saya, mau memaki balik vocabulary saya terbatas. Besoknya saya tanya ke guru Bahasa Belanda saya, dikasih tahu banyak. Walaupun konyol atau asal tapi penting juga tahu ungkapan seperti ini. Makasih ya udah mampir.

        • Postingannya menarik semua kak, maaf klo tidak keberatan bisakah settingan feed-nya di full text. Biar bisa baca via rss feeder.

          Setting–>reading setting–>article feed–>full summary

          Makasih banyak 🙂

    6. thank you for sharing kak Yo ❤
      I really think that learning more languages than the mother language (though it's great if people won't forget the mother tongue) is important~ other than it's now mostly required to get a job, with foreign languages ability (at least English) people can go anywhere without being afraid of getting lost XD
      me mysef is learning multiple languages (Korean and French) (now mom tells me to learn Chinese too) and beside I can watch many videos/clips with no subtitle *not the movie length because it's still too much* and be very proud of myself for it, I can get many friends all around the world~ and when I can speak even just a sentence in broken grammar and limited vocabs they would be more friendly and we get closer faster…
      seperti ajaran komunikasi antar pribadi, kalo ada kesamaan ato kecocokan meskipun sedikit, individu2 bisa membuka diri lebih cepet satu sama laen ahahahaha
      *lalu baru sadar kuliahnya berguna juga*
      *kok komennya panjang bener?*

    7. Iya ya mbak, kl belajar bahasa bisa sekalian ngelatih otak juga. Ahh aku kepengen cm belom kesampean sampe skr. Mba yo ada tips sederhanakah buat belajar bahasa asing? 🙂

      • Memang Mar. Aku ada draft pos tentang tips belajar bahasa asing tapi belum selesai. Ini tip sederhana:
        Grammar: kuasai bentuk tata bahasa dasar setidaknya untuk 3 kurun waktu yaitu sekarang (present), lampau (past) dan akan datang (lampau)
        Pronounciation: Jangan segen latihan pengucapan yang betul. Punya aksen ngga apa-apa yang penting pengucapannya jelas.
        Vocabulary: coba untuk belajar mengingat 3 kata tiap hari. Pilih kata ini secara acak. Aku pake metode ini dengan tulis 3 kata dipost it dan ditempel dimana-mana dirumah 🙂

        Itu aja dulu Mar, nanti kebanyakan jadi bukan tip sederhana lagi 🙂 Yang penting belajar bahasa itu harus sabar, meluangkan waktu & rajin praktek.

        • Waah makasi ya mba yo tipsnya 🙂 Kayaknya masih bisa dipelajarin sendiri ya kl tips2 di atas. Pengen coba praktekin sedikit2, terutama ide pake post it boleh juga tuh. Ditunggu ya mba postingan lengkapnya ttg tips belajar bahasa asing. Thanks for sharing mba! 🙂

    8. Iya nih mba Yo kudu belajar lagi.. Kalo english sih ngerti cuma nulisnya itu yg masih cupu.. Salah dikit diserang temen yg grammarnazi bagus sih sbnrnya biar bisa lebih belajar, cuma kadang mental nya itu langsung jatoh..hikss.. Skrg lagi tertarik mo belajar bahasa Italy pas abis nonton bareng Italy tanding di Istituto Italiano di Cultura..

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