Blogging / English / Social Media / Thoughts

Should I post this? 

Before you share something on Social media, you think about how people would react, right? This infographic below helps you to do it safely and properly. Step by step it brings you along possible situation which could occur if you post that update, be it a post, a status or just a picture. One seemingly innocent picture might mot be not that innocent.

Before you send an update to the world wide web,  ask yourself: Should I post this? 

To Post or Not to Post Infographic

48 thoughts on “Should I post this? 

  1. Kalo berdasarkan alur ini, ga bisa posting foto makanan hahaha…bodo ah, i like it to share what i ate/cooked

  2. We have to rethink when posting anything online ya Mba.
    Thank you for sharing Mba. I remembered that a recruiter once told me that they don’t want to recruit those who whine about job online.

    • Yup, HR staff browses social media during selection procedure. It is part of it now.

      Although I am happy and love my job very much, the last question ‘Will anyone care?’ is the reason why I hardly write about my job here Ryan.

  3. Reblogged this on danikurniawan and commented:
    Semingguan ini kepikiran tentang apa yang perlu diposting dan tidak. Jadi mikir-mikir yang berujung ke malas ngeblog, eh baca postingannya Mbak Yo yang ini.

    Jadi mau posting apa kagak?

  4. This is why I seldom post pictures of people/portrait or food, people complain about my updates as if I eat all the time (who is not???), and end up I never update my status on my Facebook….

    • Really Nin? But you make beautiful pictures! To be honest I don’t update my status on FB that often anymore, only once or twice a week but I still share my food pics on Instagram.

      • I may make beautiful pictures, but not of people or faces, and as much as I like to take food photography I did not do it even on Instagram. In term of FB status, I only update it maybe 3 times a year…. sad isn’t it? 😦

        • I seldomly share pics of people or portrait as well because I love to take food, travel and architecture pics. FB is not as fun as it used to be anyway with its restrictions and claims regarding pictures.

  5. Pikir 1000x sebelum mengunggah sesuatu ke dunia maya. Karena begitu terunggah, dalam hitungan detik sudah bisa menyebar ke seluruh dunia. 🙂
    Nice infographic mbak Yo… wah, jd pengen bikin infographic nih…

  6. Interesting. Only one thing came into my mind. There’s question: have you been drinking? Drunk people can’t reason. The related steps would be useless until they’re sober.

    If you want to keep those ‘forbidden’ photos, just make another account without your real identity.

    • Then it is better for them not to get drunk anymore. Nothing is forbidden it is up to yourself. This infographics help you sorting out updates including the risks. Whether you want to follow the instructions, it is once again, up to yourself.

  7. “Will anyone care?”
    Hehe, kalo posting resep biasanya care, kalo cuma poto makanan dan gak ada info selain cuma bikin ileran yaaah, skip aja.

    • Ha…ha…iya Za, aku sih sekarang hanya share food pics dan memang resep di Facebook. Pernah ada temen sekolah waktu SD, perempuan, temenan di FB. Dia ternyata suka sekali Formula 1 racing. Tiap hari bisa post 4 – 5 updates. Tiga tahun lalu aku delete dia, bosen lihatnya. Will anyone care about F1 racing? Not me then. Waktu itu belum ada hide button di FB 🙂

      • Nah, iya. Temenan ama yg share informasi, menghibur dan sesuai minat aja Mbak. Follow2 blog juga sama, makanya aku follow mbak Yoyen..ciiyyyyaaa😘😘

  8. Aku masih suka foto makanan 😀
    Memang segala tulisan yang dipublish, mesti dipikirkan matang-matang ya mbak Yo. Akupun mulai beberes lagi tulisan yang lama di blog 🙂

  9. thanks for sharing mba yo, aku skrg jd suka mikir jg kalau mau posting apa2. terlebih instagram krn paling aktif disitu, kadang udah mau dipost mikir2 ah penting ga ya akhirnya gajadi, tp kadang juga masih suka gak tahan sih kalau posting makanan 😀

    • Posting apapun sih ngga apa Re menurutku selama masih dalam frekuensi yang wajar. Nah ini trickynya, apa yang wajar menurut kita belum tentu sama menurut orang lain.

  10. Lolos di semua pertanyaan lalu sampai di pertanyaan terakhir, “Will anyone care?”
    The answer is a big no.
    Kadang beberapa hal memang lebih baik disimpan untuk diri sendiri. Harus menahan diri untuk tidak ngartis dan ngeksis untuk hal-hal yang orang-orang memang tidak perlu tahu :hehe :peace.

    • Betul Gara. Apalagi keluhan atau curhatan seperti di sebelah kiri di infographic diatas. Kalo foto aku ngga keberatan lihat foto-foto temenku, selama bukan selfie 5 kali sehari aja ha….ha….

  11. Pingback: Tulislah… Just Write | The Foot Steps...

  12. Hm, bagaimana dengan food bloggers atau chef, bukankah mereka niche dan target marketnya memang pencinta makanan? 😀 Kemudian apakah itu berarti kita ngga bisa berkisah sama sekali lesson yg kita ambil dalam interaksi kita dg orang lain (ditempat kerja, misal).

    Semakin writer’s block, deh hahaha..*untung masih “lolos” seleksi alur diatas*

    • Yang aku tangkep sih menurutku lebih di FB deh Fee. Diblog orang kan follow atau baca blog kita karena tertarik dengan yang kita tulis. Sementara di media sosial lainnya kita kan temenan karena memelihara kontak, interes & minatnya berbeda.

      Aku juga suka makanan tapi ngga tiap hari pos update makanan di FB, aku share di Instagram atau tulis resep di foodblog 😉

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