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Sonbeekmarkt is a monthly farmer’s market in Arnhem. It is located at Sonsbeek Park, Arnhem’s green lung. This market takes place every first Sunday of the month from March to December. On the pic you see the stands are next to the white building (De Witte Villa) in the center of the park.


Sonbeeksmarkt (markt is Dutch word for market) offers an array of products of the region (food, drinks, fruits and veggies), local crafts and leisure. Started in 2012 this farmer’s market has grown bigger and bigger ever since.

Last Sunday I went there. It was the kick -off of 2015. It was sunny alright but don’t get fooled by Dutch weather. Although the temp was 8 degree Celsius, strong wind blew so hard, it gave me the chill as if it was 0 degree Celsius. Nevertheless my husband and I had a good time. Good food and drinks (a lot of free samples to taste) and we met many of our friends there.

I’ll take you on a virtual tour. This post contains a lot of pictures, get ready to scroll!

Mini pie. The apple pie is delish!

This is a vintage pop corn machine. You can hire Alice and Kate for parties. Not only kids but adults loved them. The ladies didn’t only make pop corn, they put an act along with it. Good concept!

Bio popcorn, sweet and savory. Anyone?

These are jars of Caramel or Dulce du leche. I sampled every single taste in this stand. The flavour combination was somewhat suprising. Caramel au naturel or caramel au fleur du sel (sea salt) for a start, then caramel with mint, lavender, pepper, whiskey even there was one variation with balsamico! 

This vendor sold Indonesian sate or satay (marinated pork/chicken cubes grilled on a skewer). They called themselves Sateboss. Due to colonial history there lives a huge Dutch Indo (Indische) community from the former Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). 

Husband and I had this delicious sate. It was served with peanut sauce and shrimp crackers, just like in Indonesia.

These guys were from Frietfiets. Friet: fries, fiets: bike. They sold fries on a bike. 

And this is fries from Frietfiets with homemade mayonaise made from free range chicken’s eggs. The fries were crunchy and tasty. And most importantly they were not too salty. Cute packaging right?

This stand offered homemade pasta: ravioli, tagliatelle, farfalle. Choose a different pasta than the overly well-known spaghetti or macaroni.  This guy used bio product from his supplier in Tuscany, Italy.

A range of olive oils.

A stand which sold Pizza made frome spelt flour and baked in a traditional pizza oven with woods. 

Oh, this one was one of my faves, smoking oven full of Salmon and Eels. I loved the smokey smell and flavour!

Sweet corn on the cob, natural with butter and salt or Mexican style.

I chose Mexican style. Grilled sweet corn on the cob in butter, coated with smoked paprika and drizzled with grated cheese, cilantro on top and lemon wedges on the side.

Infused water and pure juices from the region.

Artisanal breads! The baker patiently answered my questions.

Not pictured as I was busy snacking and chatting: local cheeses, wine, flours from the millers. As a foodie this was heaven for me. Not only because of the free tasting but food connected people. I have had a number of tips about bread, infused water and smoking oven. When the temperature is warmer somewhere in May, husband and I are surely going to Sonsbeekmarkt again. 

This is what I bought home yesterday. FYI, the caramel jar is now half empty.

I hope you enjoyed the tour.

Tellegenlaan 3, Arnhem
10 minute walk from Arnhem Central Station
Open First Sunday of the month March to December
11 am – 6 pm

49 thoughts on “Sonsbeekmarkt

  1. I enjoyed it, mbaaak. Dan untung ngeliatnya sambil makan siang di depan kompi kantor. Plusnya semua makanan keliatan geda dan aku kenyang jadi gak kabita-an, kecuali si mini pie tapi yg coklat yaaa eh itu yg kiri coklat kan. si dulce du leche nggak pernah bikin sendiri, mbak? Aku sering bikin, jd kepikiran nyampur juga biar gak bosen. Balsamico itu kayak gimana, mbak?

    • Ini masih porsi biasa kok Ndang. Iya, Dulce du Leche aku buat sendiri, lama masaknya, belum pernah dimuat difoodblog.

      Balsamico itu cuka kental dari Italia yang rasanya manis asem. Enak.

  2. Great post and great promo for Arnhem, Sonsbeek and the market. I definitely want to go there now, and perhaps be accompanied by you?

  3. Mbak, ini cuma tiap hari Minggu pertama setiap bulan ya? Pengen kesini deh bulan depan… kayaknya seru banget icip2 makanan. Pasar Leiden ga segede gini xD

    • Iya, Minggu pertama tiap bulan tapi ini bukan pasar buah sayur ya. Pasar buah sayur lebih gede lagi hari Jumat & Sabtu di centrum Arnhem. Ini pasar hipster karena semua produknya bio & jenis makanannya juga multiculti 😉

  4. Waaahhh, suamiku pasti suka ini kalo disuruh incip2 gratis haha. Asyiikkk jadinya bisa ke Arnhem. Thanks Mbak untuk infonya. Pengen kesana kalau Matahari sudah stabil 🙂 Bener-bener lapaaarr lihat foto makanan yang memanjakan mata. Bagus-bagus fotonya Mbak 🙂

    • Mei, Juni itu seru Den. Kalo ke Arnhem bisa jalan-jalan sekalian ke Openlucht Museum (Taman Mininya sini) dan ke Museum Bronbeek (museum KNIL).

      • Thanks infonya Mbak. pas aku tunjukin ke suami postingan Mbak Yo ini, dia langsung semangat nulis di agendanya, Mei kami akan pergi kesana 🙂

  5. Waduh, surely this place will be a heaven for me, absolutely! :hehe.
    Eh ada sate… pakai saus kacang… potongan dagingnya tampak besar dan sangat menggiurkan. Dan ada pizza. Salmon asap, ditutup dengan pai apel. Surga.
    Thanks for sharing these pictures!

  6. Di City Center Dundee juga ada pasar lokal seperti ini Mbak Yo, cuma lebih kecil. Asik ya liatin pasar lokal gini, bisa belajar banyak hal.😘😘

  7. in the mean time…..on the other side of the north, we are still expecting potential snow and freezing rain. gosh, this is a total envy that can spiral into depression since i love farmers market too much. Cold weather sucks….

    btw balsamico itu balsamic vinegar mbak, dibuat dari reduction cooked grape juice. kalau dicampur olive oil plus all the good stuff jadinya vinaigrette aka salad dressing.

    • Yup. Aceito Balsamico di Modena: balsamic vinegar. Dutch foodies bilangnya Balsamico udah tahu yang dimaksud 😉

      Di Italy orang makan vintage Balsamico umur 10 tahun keatas pake surdough bread jadi dipping sauce. Yang dibuat untuk vinaigrette itu yang masih agak cair, paling tua umurnya 2 tahun max.

      • yg good quality di market biasanya yg di atas 12 year aged, ada juga yg 25 yr aged itu mayan rogoh kocek dalam 3xlipat tapi enaknya bukan main.

        kalau bikin vinaigrette sendiri bisa dari yg well aged 🙂 kalau beli yg model dari grocery sy ga fav.

        sourdough pakai aged balsamic sama good quality extra virgin olive oil yg meresnya masih pakai stone mills. hmm…..

  8. Aaaahh, what a pretty market. I love love love flea markets, farmers markets, antique markets and any kind of open air markets, especially organic farmers markets!!
    Beautiful pictures!!!

  9. They all look so yummy.
    Mba Yo, itu bio popcorn maksudnya gmn Mba? Kok ada bionya? Langsung keingetnya bio diesel.

  10. Wah, kelihatannya menarik, Mbak Yo. Produk yang dijual beragam, dan bisa tanya-tanya ke penjualnya.
    Aduh, jagung bakarnya bikin ngiler.

  11. Konsepnya mgkn mirip dgn pasar santa atau market museum ya klo di jkt. Jual produk2 homemade dan ngehip bgt lwt bantuan sosmed. Seru emg mb yo jalan2 k pasar2 beginian ya. Trus ngobrol2 sm yg jual, mrk happy n antusias bgt jwbny

    • Iya, ternyata di dunia sekarang ini trendnya foodtruck dan going local. Aku suka. Tinggal tunggu kapan aku bisa ke Pasar Santa 🙂

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