about me / English / Thoughts

One may wish for the better

This year was a tough one for me. I lost my mother, my final parent. Three months after she passed, I have still been seeking for the right way to deal with my new status as an orphan. I am getting there but it is a process I need to embark, alone. So, enough of this private woes, I won’t bother you again about my mourning in 2016.

For the approaching new year, I wish for the better for everyone. To those who are scheduled to finish their study, may you finish it on time. The road might be rocky but you will pass. Some of you who want to switch job, good luck with job interviews. Love birds who are going to tie the knot, stay calm until the big day and just enjoy it. Expecting mothers I wish a fuss free delivery. Recently divorcรฉs and the ones who lost someone this year; take your time to grieve. And last but not least to new bloggers, keep on writing and sharing your thoughts. There are people out there who read them.

Last year I wrote about my hope for the best for and to the world. Despite the major events taken place twice in Paris this year and other similar horrifying events in other parts of the world I repeat my wish from last year: For the wars, conflicts, killings, safety threats going on right now, I genuinely wish peace and stability in 2016.

One may wish for the better, right?

 Image is courtesy of Freepik.com 

46 thoughts on “One may wish for the better

  1. Amiiiiiiiiiiin. Mengaminkan dengan sepenuh hati semua doa-doanya Mbak Yo. Selamat tahun baru Mbak Yo dan keluarga. Semoga diberikan keberkahan dan kelancaran segala urusannya. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Amin! Saya terharu membaca postingan ini, banyak sekali kebaikan dan doa baik yang sangat-sangat unselfish. Semoga bisa terkabulkan di tahun depan ya, Mbak. Saya ganti mendoakan dirimu, semoga apa yang Mbak cita-citakan terkabul, semoga selalu sukses dan bahagia bersama keluarga, apa pun yang terjadi :hehe. Semangat terus!

  3. Just found out about your loss… So sorry to hear that, Lorr… Be strong… May you and your family received good comfort from the Lord and people around you…. And remember that you are never an orphan… You always have your loving Father watching over you…
    Wishing you a blessed journey 2016…

  4. Happy New Year Mba Yo..

    Thank you for all the encouragement for me to blog as currently I see people left blog and choose other social media. People lost their focus to share and to make friends as they are writing to “earn” something.

    All the best wishes for you and your family ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Pingback: That Call | Chez Lorraine

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