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Presenting: Arnhem Centraal

The wait is over. After an intensive and extensive renovation starting from 1997, the station in Arnhem was finally opened last Thursday. It took 18 years to finish it because it was completed in various phases; the train platforms, underground parking, bus station and ditto platforms, shops, cafes, restaurants and even movie theaters. Another reason of the late finishing was the unexpected financial problems due to European financial crisis.

This station is officially called Arnhem Centraal Station. It is the first central station in the east of the country beside Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag (The Hague), Leiden and Utrecht which are located in the west. The definition of a central station is when it gets more than 40.000 passengers daily. Arnhem meets this requirement easily as it is an important hub in the east regions of The Netherlands and close to Germany.

The project was huge. The renovation took place not only the train and bus station but also the surroundings. The total cost counts € 625 millions, € 37,5 millions of which was spent on the station hall. Ben van Berkel, Dutch architect of UNStudio designed it. It is an excellent piece of work. Van Berkel reckoned with the light, space and function of public spots where visitors can hang out inside and outside. Brilliant!

The main hall is spacey, futuristic, modern and very light. I took some pics of it with my iPhone. Despite the bad, dark weather outside, it stayed light inside. Somehow this reminds me of Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.


The design integrates the train station with the bus platforms smoothly. In the hall it is comfortably warm, passengers don’t have to wait in the cold for their bus.

Pay attention to the bike rack in the basement left under in the pic, cool right?

These are the ports leading to the train platforms where passengers are able to scan their ticket.


The piano corner. Those who have travelled by train in The Netherlands might have seen this. In big train stations all over the country there stands a piano, to be played by passengers. Dutch Railway Company launched this excellent ide a couple of years ago. Public loves this. I have heard/seen many talented random piano players during my trip with the train.

This is an aerial impression of Arnhem Centraal, courtesy of UNStudio. Those two blueish green buildings are Arnhem World Trade Center. On the left, the Rhine river streaming to Germany is clearly visible.

My Indonesian family and friends who have repeteadly visited me between 1997 up until now were used to the idea of this endless project. At one point they stopped asking me when the station would be ready. When I was pregnant of ny daughter in November 2000 the part of the bus platforms was a work site. Now that my daughter is 14 years old, it is finally completed and the result is amazing.

Note: All pics were taken with my iPhone.

Arnhem Centraal

32 thoughts on “Presenting: Arnhem Centraal

  1. Beautiful! When I went to Arnhem last year it was still the “old” station 😛 .

    Btw, I like the new gate ticket/card scanner because they remind me to tap my card. A few times it happened that I forgot to check out when getting off the train, lol 😆 . In the new Delft station they also installed the same gate system 😀 .

    • Yes, the scanners are to be installed in all big stations in the country. This to reduce illegal rides and for the safety check.

      Lumayan juga kan kalo ngga check out, – € 4 ya.

      • Kalau kereta €10 nih charge awalnya, lumayan banget!! Hahaha 😀 . €4 untuk transportasi lainnya (bus/tram) 😛 .

        Sayangnya di Schiphol belum ada. Aku seringnya kelupaan sewaktu di Schiphol itu. Begitu turun pengennya langsung naik pesawat aja, lupa deh check out OV-Chipkaart 😛 .

        • Oh iya ya. Memang kalo ritnya kurang dari € 10 ya terasa banget. Aku naik kereta ke tujuan yang selalu diatas € 10 tarifnya dan memang ngga pernah lupa check in. Yang sering lupa itu kalo ganti vervoerder. Kadang mbingungi.

  2. Wahhh megah banget Mbak Yo! Kereen, masih berdecak kagum dengan bangunan yang meliuk2 itu. Juni pas ke Arnhem belum nampak bangunan yang melingkar2 itu. Waktu itu aku juga tanya sama suami, ini renovasi atau apa kok beberapa bagian nampak lagi dibangun. Dia jawab, jangan tanya kapan selesainya, soalnya ini sudah lama sekali prosesnya hehe. Musti ke Arnhem lagi ini tandanya, belum ke Open lucht museum 🙂 suamiku suka mainin piano yang di DH centraal, tapi begitu mulai banyak yang merhatiin, langsung deh grogi trus berhenti. Ga mental artis haha.

    • Juni lalu masih ditutup triplex. Renovasi ini lama karena dilakukannya per fase. Yang paling akhir selesai station hall ini. Kalo winter bagus Den di Openluchtmuseum, apalagi kalo ada salju tebel.

  3. Megah banget mbak! Aku sepertinya harus bawa temenku anak-anak Engineering atau yang demen arsitektur untuk pergi kesini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wow looks so futuristic! I love that chandelier and the piano is such a great idea. They put a piano in Paris Montparnasse station one summer and it was so cool listening to random people playing it!

  5. Wow! This station looks so much better than Rotterdam (and Amsterdam😑). Kayanya memang untuk renovasi di Belanda agak makan waktu lama ya. Mungkin karena mereka matengin konsep integrated transport and surroundingnya kali ya makanya lama. Dulu tahun 2008/2009 pas saya kuliah di Tilburg, Rotterdam CS sedang di renovasi. Kondisinya semrawut (mana rame kan). Balik lagi tahun 2013 stasiunnya udah berubah jadi lebih keren dan terasa lebih “lega” dan modern. Eeeh ternyata Arnhem CS sekarang jauh lebih keren.

    Jadi pengen hangout di sana #lah😄

    • Nee, tergantung besarnya proyek sepertinya, Rotterdam, Amsterdam & Utrecht kan stasiun besar. Kalo Arnhem lebih kecil tapi renovasinya extensive karena area sekelilingnya juga dibenahi. Renovasi stasiun Nijmegen itu cuma beberapa tahun selesai. Di Arnhem lama karena kena imbas krismon.

  6. keren mbaaak, dan gede banget yaa, kalo pertama kali dateng sendirian kayaknya agak agak deg degan aku
    Piano cornernya emang gak ada gambarnya ya mbak atau ini dari tadi belum muncul muncul…
    Hahahaha iya kebayang itu 18 tahun kayak udah penantian apa gitu ya, semacam udah meragukanpun jadinya kapan

  7. Kereeen. Bangunannya futuristik banget ya. Suka deh liatnya. Hebat deh, biarpun bertahun2 akhirnya rampung dan gak pantang menyerah. Mungkin emang perlu segitu lama kali ya biar hasilnya bagus, keren dan detail 🙂

    • Yang bikin lama karena proyeknya besar May, ada parking lot dibasement dengan kapasitas 10000 tempat, benerin rel dan peron kereta apinya, bangun stasiun bis, bangun bioskop dan mall diluarnya dsb…dsb…Terus juga harga bahan yang naik karena krismon tahun 2008. Bangun station hall ini hanya 2 tahun kok.

      • OMG 10.000 tempat kebayang gedenya. Tapi komplit dan pas udah jadi bagus banget ya. Liat fotonya aja udah kagum aku. Mudah2an suatu kali kesampean buat mengunjungi dan liat langsung 🙂

      • Dalam jangka pendek belum ada rencana mba Yo, iya pernah dengar hutan dan kebun binatang di Arnhem katanya paling bagus, mungkin Burgers Zoo ya? Makasih informasinya.
        Ke centrum Arnhem pernah tapi waktu itu buru buru krn hrs ke tempat lain. Masih penasaran dgn station nya krn waktu itu naik mobil gak naik kereta.

  8. Stasiunnya keren banget. Kadang suka terkagum-kagum kalau melihat public places negara-negara di Eropa seperti ini pas lagi browsing. Suka bertanya-tanya juga kenapa arsitekturnya dibuat seperti itu, kenapa melengkung, kenapa melingkar, dll. Saya selalu berpikir selain alasan estetika pasti ada alasan lain. Itu yang menyebabkan selalu pengen mengunjungi. Mudah-mudahan dalam tahun-tahun kedepan kesampaian melihat langsung 🙂

    • Bagus memang ya Sandrine, fantasinya ngga ada batas. Di Asia juga kok arsitekturnya menarik, lain dari sini. Tiap negara ada khas masing-masing cuma mungkin karena kamu udah biasa lihat jadi rasa ngga istimewa 🙂

  9. 18 years worth to wait mbaak… keren and modern abissz stylenya.. untung jadinya bagus yaa dsn yg penting fungsional buat penduduk Arnhem dan sekitarnya

    • Iyes Shin. Diluar station hall ini banyak bench dilapis kayu, terus ada jalur untuk kursi roda dan pejalan kali yang melingkar-lingkar. Aku pikir nanti kalo panas dikit pasti dipake untuk freerunning, skateboard & skeeler 🙂

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