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BEC English Friday: Sustainability

Starting from today I will post a thread following the themes set by Blog English Club (BEC) each Friday. BEC is a brand new community of Indonesian bloggers who want to improve their English. It was initiated by Nita, Ryan and Dani.

From the very start I have found this a sympathetic idea so I gladly joined this club. I also take part in the daily WhatsApp session which has just started before Christmas. I admire the hunger of fellow bloggers to improve their English skill.

Many fellow Indonesian bloggers deal with these situations when they try to write/speak in English or other foreign languages: fearing of making mistakes, having fellow Indonesians laughing at them when they make mistakes or even worse being branded as arrogant when trying to converse in English. As I love foreign languages and being a multilingual myself, I am able to live in their shoes. I recognize these all too well, been there done that.

By joining the club I hope I could contribute and help as 90% of the posts here are in English. Joining this club is also practising my blogging motto: to share, to inspire and to interact.

Weekly theme
Now back to BEC again. Each week on Friday there is a topic for members to write about. All topics are defined by the initiators. Afterwards members are able to give each other feed back.

Kicking off the first English Friday, the topic is word of 2015.

My submission
My word for this year is sustainability. According to the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in Our Common Future also known as The Brutland report; the definition of sustainability is:

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

This one from EPA explains the word better

Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.


Why I chose this word to be word of the year for me? Watching my daughter grows I wonder what kind of life she and her children would have let’s say 30 – 40 years from now.

I have been asking myself whether what we do today is sustainable enough to provide the next generations to live in the future. Would there be enough clean water and clean air to breathe?

P for people
3 P’s People Planet Profit are the pillars of sustainability development. It was established somewhere in the 90’es. Those three must be in balance for sustainable living.

My contribution as P for People is the following:

  • Using energy when needed. Meaning: no lights on in the rooms in the house when no one is in. Setting heater temperature 20 degree Celsius max. If it’s still cold, I use a blanket.
  • Cooking with ingredients of the season. Now I feel strange to eat Strawberries in the winter (Strawberries are summer fruit).
  • Doing groceries with a canvas bag, instead of the plastic bag from the store.
  • Separating my trash; paper, glass/ceramic, organic and plastic.

  • Beside those domestic acts above I apply sustainability in my relationship with my husband as I believe warm loving parents who love each other forms a good base for our daughter. I take care and give attention to my family, friends and colleagues. And the last important thing is my own sustainability in term
    of staying healthy by doing exercises and eating good nutrient food.

    Actually I have been doing those things since I moved to The Netherlands. There was a turning point in my life then. Some people might find me boring or even idealistic. That doesn’t bother me. I just want to leave my daughter and her children a good place to live.

    Now I look forward to reading submissions of this first BEC topic from other bloggers.

    Our common future
    Image is courtesy of

    41 thoughts on “BEC English Friday: Sustainability

    1. Wow… Thanks much for encouraging all of us,mbaa… I already post about ‘carpe diem’ in my blog. Although I feel sooo hard to finish this challenge,finally I made it! Super yaaay…!

    2. Love your post Mba Yo. Beautifully written, elaborated and I can feel your concern. I san say that this is a tought provoking post for me.

      Thank you for being voluntarily provide your time for us. 🙂

    3. Wow… your articles are always in a good shape, Mbak. Readable, well-formed structure, and arranged in the right sequence.

      Agree with the issue of clean water and the air. Many people are just wasting the water while the others still need it. I hope we do not leave the burden on our children just because we are not wise enough to manage the water resource. **bener ga ya ini penulisannya

      • Thank you Andik. Bener semua kok. And yes what I know there is a discipline called Water Management to exploit clean water wisely and keep natural water sources.

    4. Sustainable earth is paramount and moving towards sustainability presents social challenges. I’m also trying to organize my living arrangement to contribute.

      • When I heard this at first 15 years ago, it sounded so Miss World thingy. Nowadays sustainability is not just an issue. The awareness has struck in most parts of the world. Let’s hope the rest will follow.

    5. Nice post mbak Yo 🙂 couldn’t be agree more about sustainability for our earth and in daily life (family & health). Now I’m thinking how to replace my laundry detergent because eco-friendly detergent costs a fortune :/

    6. Lorr, after reading your and @bukanbocahbiasa posts, i’m so tempted to also join this club (in the effort of improving my katrok english hahaha).. do you have the link of the club? i tried to google it but find a roadblock instead… #tia 🙂

    7. You are cool, Mbak Yo 🙂 when I just wrote about how to improve myself, you wrote an enlightening article about sustainability. Now, I keep in my mind that providing better environment for the next generations is our important duty :).

    8. Whoaa Mba Yo… this is awesome. Your article enlightens -I believe- most of your readers including me.
      I realize now that I only focus on a short term plan instead of a long one, moreover it’s only about me. Thank you for opening my eyes mba. Our next generations future is actually in our hand… ❤ ❤ ❤

    9. Love this! Having just found out about BEC too today from two mom bloggers from KEB Facebook group and I am so proud to see them so eager to step outside of their comfort zones and write in English. I would love to participate too but I had scheduled Friday to post in Bahasa. I will see what I can do but kudos for you to step up as a mentor Mbak!

      • Thank you. As I wrote above I really admire the members. They are eager to improve their English. It is indeed not easy to begin for some. What I have seen up untill now, they are doing good. This initiative has been positively received. I am glad to see a community growing.

        You are welcome to participate whenever you can.

    10. This is a great writing, Mbak Lor as always! But suddenly I remember about CSR Project in some company in Indonesia. *too overthingking* 😀

    11. aaah awesome writing mba Yo, inspired me. When I read your post “sustainability is ” easier to understand comparing with the definition itself hehehe.

    12. Wow… Mba Yo. Two thumbs up for the beautifully written post.

      You can manage to post one simple word into this, very detailed, post. I love it so much.

      Thank you Mba for your time on BEC group.

    13. Sustainability is one of subtopic on my thesis, and i always “starving” to learn more about it. When i read your post, it’s more easier to understand than explanation from my lecturer. Like it Mbak Yo! *sometimes in academic, simplicity is difficult to be applied *pardon with my bad grammar in english 🙂

      • Whoa, thank you Den for such compliment. I’m glad you understand the term easily by reading my post.

        It is. Academic language tends to be too complicated while it could be simplier.

    14. Pingback: [Sticky Post] BEC Tantangan Minggu ke-2: Wildest Dream | danikurniawan

    15. I just knew it from Dani that you’re on of the mentor Mbak. Your name already crossed my mind the first time I know about the english club before knowing the details. I love u deh mbak, not because of your (almost) flawless English but because you give your time to do this

      • I love to learn together Sondang. The initiative is very sympathetic. The overwhelming reactions are proof of this. I love the spirit.

    16. Pingback: [EF#1 Weekly Recap] Word(s) for 2015 | Blog English Club

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