about me / Women

Women’s Crown

This last post of the Wednesdays in October post chain is about hair. Joeyz suggested me to write this. I chose to write about women’s hair. In some languages it is called women’s crown.

It is interesting to talk about hair. Long hair is considered feminine in general while short hair is seen as boyish. But is it? There are feminine girls and women with boyish short hair do. Look at the gorgeous Robyn Wright. Once she was identical with her long blonde locks.


Since a coupe of years ago she cut her hair and got this page hairstyle. She doesn’t look boyish. Instead she looks stylishly feminine.


Most women in almost every culture are fixed on their hair. In general Asian women prefer their hair long and sleek. Flat iron, hair mask and other hair treatments products are in abundance there. I must admit here in The Netherlands I miss the hair beauty treatment called creambath in Indonesia so badly. Creambath is a scalp massage with hair cream for ca 30 minutes followed by damp bath, divine!

Some women with African heritage I know pay good attention to their curly hair. They treat it mostly with wax. My Dutch friends are more into hair gel and hair spray. Dutch women are practical. They tend to have their hair cut short or shoulder length. They hardly have time to style their hair every morning. Not to mention the majority of them do everything from bringing the kids to/from school to doing groceries and going to work by bike. The wind blows hard. It is difficult to keep the hair well styled on a bike you know.

When it comes to hair I am such a bore. As long as I remember I have had long hair. I have only had short hair do four times. And I dyed my hair just once. I don’t plan to do it again. Speaking of which If I’d dye my hair again, I would definitely go for dark tones. I don’t care if blondes have more fun. I even don’t really care if I have a bad hair day. That is the perks of having long hair, I just put it in Ponytail, braid or a chignon. It is easy, hassle free and doesn’t damage my hair. I mean, I hardly use hair products.

How about you ladies? Do you treat your hair like a crown?

Pics of Robyn Wright are from imdb.

41 thoughts on “Women’s Crown

  1. makasih sudah ditulis ide ttg rambutnya ya mba yo…
    Dulu sih sering creambath…tapi sekarang kok susah ya nemu waktunya…aku masih sering tergoda mau dying hair…tapi akan mencoba setia dngn warna asli yaitu hitam..this is the longer hair I got for these past 10 years maybe

    • Sama-sama Jo. Repot ya sampe ngga sempet creambath? Aku kalo ke Indonesia bisa 2 – 3 hari sekali creambath sama si G. Kita suka banget dipijit kepala 🙂

      • Karena kalo creambath disalon langgananku itu bisa sampe 3 jam mba yo…karena sjalian pijet punggung dan tangam segala…pake kemben segala…pokoknya asoyy bener deh…harga terkahir creambath disitu 60rb itu dah skalian blow rambut super keren..hehee wah iya seru kalo punya anak gadis bisa hangout berdua di salin..my G juga dah pernah kuajak creambath bareng sekali.

        • Iya mba Ri…dah malah pijetannya enak…itu 3 jam termasuk cuci-creambath-pijet punggung-cuci lagi dan blow….serba slow deh..salon rumahan lebih asik daripada salon di mall…kalo salon di mall kayak diburu2 semuanya..dah gt mahal pulak kan 🙂

        • M

          Kalo aku Jo kalo pas ke Jkt selalu ke salon Alfons yg di Gatot Subroto, karna emang uda langganan dari jaman aku masih kuliah 🙂 Creambathnya sama kayak gitu juga dipijit semua, pake kemben, kurang lebih 2 jaman lah tapi yaitu harganya ga 60 ribu dweeeh. Lucky you masih bisa menikmati creambath 🙂

        • Iya, di Indonesia kan pake pijet pundak segala, mantep lagi. Disini boro-boro Jo. Ngga kenal creambath itu apa.

  2. I was the opposite of you, Kak xD as long as I remembered I’ve always had short haor, the Yuni Shara or Victoria Beckham style, for my Opa thought I looked pretty in them. I’ve only get long hair twice, in the 6th grade and my current length, which is the longest I ever have. and I also love braiding, tying, amd playing around with my hair (as long as no heat is involved, the sun’s heat is more than enough haha)
    and yessh, I permanently straightened my hair since September last year because my hair was vey frizzy like a lion’s hair, and my mom finally let me to do it! I’ve asked her constantly since middle school but she said no, while my friends were all mocking me for my hair ha ha
    and yes, since my hair (and scalp) are the most complicated body part of mine, I treated them carefully xD

  3. Oh yeaaah I miss creambath too, Lo! Only in Indonesia, the best cream-bath service ever! 🙂 🙂 I’ve always have a short hair, the longest I would go only a shoulder length. I would love to have a long hair but it’s just never happen. My hair is wavy and frizzy if I don’t blow dry, and I don’t have that much time and patience to do it. Plus, my hubby likes it shorter and I think shorter hair suits me better. I do colour my hair since college, but I won’t go too light or blonde as it doesn’t suit my skin color 🙂

  4. Now that you called your hair relationship is boring, then I should call mine super boring😄 cause not much I’ve done with mine but having it short even since I was a toddler. There was one time experiment though of me letting my hair grew down to my waist line. And afterward I decided to go back to pixie cut..😄

  5. Now I’m sporting a pixie cut which is superrrr short, and I love it so much! Nggak ribet stylingnya, tapi gayanya gitu-gitu aja. Kalau mau digaya-in paling pake mousse atau jepit2 rambut. Banyak orang yg protes knp aku potong gini, banyak juga yg applause krn aku berani bgt potong super pendek, but I don’t care… it grows back and it’s just hair. 😀

    • Kalo rambut pixie gitu tiap 6 minggu/2 bulan harus potong ya, kalo ngga kan modelnya hilang? Aku ngga berani sependek itu. Hanya pernah bob setelinga 🙂

  6. Aku fans garis keras rambut panjang lurus, Mbaaak. Dian Sastro, Titi Kamal, dan bahkan OScar lawalata selalu bikin mataku berbinar lihat rambutnya. And I loove your hari, too iya kalo panjang dan lurus lebat gitu mah diapain juga okeeee. Rambutku tipikal mengembang, dan yes aku mainstream banget ikutan ngerebonding hihi dan menurutku masa-masa rambutku direbonding itu masa paling nyantai soal rambut deh, abis keramas dibiarin kering biasa aja, dan pake vitamin rambut si TBS udah, tinggal melenggang.

  7. Dilarang keras potong rambut sama Eyang, karena buat perempuan Jawa rambut panjang itu penting. Jadinya sampai SMA aku berkelabang dua, tapi tetep dugem. Satu ketika rambutku tak potong sebahu, gak pakai permisi-permisi. Eyangku nangis. Sejak itu gak pernah potong pendek lagi.

    Satu kebiasaan lagi yang terbawa dari Eyang, aku gak pernah menggerai rambut. Harus diikat buntut kuda atau dicepol. Nggak sopan kalau rambut tergerai, katanya.

    Btw, aku rajin creambath waktu masih mahasiswa, keramas pun nyalon. Masih dapat uang saku sih. Sekarang udah kerja malah males & sayang ngeluarin uang. Mendingan buat makan atau jalan-jalan. Cheeky ^_^

    • Aku juga ini kebiasaan rambut panjang karena papaku mau semua anaknya berambut panjang. Sementara waktu kita mulai dewasa kakak dan adik-adikku potong rambut dan gonta ganti style, akunya ngga berani Tje. Itu 4 kali rambut pendek juga hanya model bob setelinga. Cemen yah 🙂 Eh tapi aku berambut panjang juga karena nari deng. Jadi harus bisa tetep dikonde rambutnya, gitu loh.

  8. 2012 kemarin sempet bereksperimen dari rambut panjang ke rambut pendek banget alias pixie. Rasanya aneh sih mbak Yo, hehehe kayak enteng gitu. Tapi ternyata gak terlalu cocok dan pas udah nanggung rasanya jelek dan susah di atur jadi sekarang lagi proses manjangin rambut lagi. Perjuangan banget nih manjangin rambut lagi mesti rajin creambath kalo engga rontok parah :). Rasanya setelah di potong pendek, jadi lebih sayang sama rambut, ternyata rambut panjang itu ngangenin 😀

    • Paling nyebelin kalo lagi manjangin rambut itu yang panjangnya setengah leher ya May. Kalo gerah ngga bisa dikuncir, masih kependekan. Tapi musti distyling kalo ngga berantakan. Aku sih selama rambut masih ok akan tetep keukeuh rambut panjang deh 🙂

  9. Rambut terpanjang ku itu 15 cm dibawah pundak. Itu cm bertahan bentar. Abis itu selalu cepak potongan rambutnya. Setelah lama punya pixie hair, dr awal tahun ini manjangin lagi karena suami penasaran aku punya rambut panjang plus aku jg lg kepengen. Setelah oktober aku gatel pengen punya pixie hair lagi. Nggak ribet, nggak rontok, gampang ngeringin, dll. Nggak sabar pengen potong.

    Masalah warnain rambut, seumur-umur baru dua kali februari sm agustus kemaren. Sekarang pengen lg dengan warna bright. Hehehe

  10. Westley: I told you I would always come for you. Why didn’t you wait for me?
    Buttercup: Well… you were dead.
    Westley: Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.
    Buttercup: I will never doubt again.
    Westley: There will never be a need.

    *sorry oot* I always see Princess Bride in her even though she plays many other big movies.

  11. This was an awesome post!
    I have to speak up for short hair girls. I was a long hair girl until I was 20 and when I cut it all off like Twiggy, I fell in love with it! All my friends loved my hair and said this was my perfect hairstyle for me. My husband however (married young/ fool for love) he wasn’t the biggest fan of my super short hairstyle.
    Here’s the weird part, he always dated girls with short hair before me :/ But, so many guys see long hair as being feminine and short hair just doesn’t do it for them. I think short haircuts are stylish and let you show your personality. Many women cater to that ultra-fem look for men’s sake.
    Me? I do what I want 😀 😀

    Those hair treatments sound fantastic. Especially the hair cream mask. I love deep conditioning treatments, and that sounds like something I’m missing out on! 😉

    Fun article.

    • Thank you! My reason for keeping my hair long was because I was an Indonesian traditional dancer in my spare time. The costume required me wear the hair in chignon. Now I don’t dance anymore and I can’t get use of short hair. After having tried ear length bob style for 4 times, I decided to keep my long hair up until now.

      I do think short cuts are stylish but it is not suitable for everyone 🙂 If you once visit Indonesia, hair creambath is highly recommended.

      • You look amazing with your long hair 🙂 You’re right, everyone is different as long as they are wearing their hairstyle to make themselves happy and not for someone else.
        I think that’s so fabulous that you were a dancer! 🙂

  12. Aku kebalikannya mbak Yo. Biasanya selalu rambut pendek. Baru kali ini berhasil manjangin rambut 😀

  13. I love you hair, mba Yo 😀 Impian banget karena kayaknya ga akan pernah kayak gitu panjangnya. Rambut Py paling panjang cuma sampe sepunggung, itu pun rontok krn akarnya ga kuat. Kalo soal perawatan Py biasa pake hair mask sendiri 2 minggu sekali, terus tiap abis cuci rambut pake tonic. Udah gak berani creambath krn bisa rontok banyak banget. 😀

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